Considering Leaving the Corporate World?
After nearly two decades of serving the corporate world, I started over. Why?
That is a very easy and a very tricky question to answer in equal measure! Previously I worked with large corporate brands which was an attractive proposition. Everywhere you turned one of these household names would be staring you in the face, with work that you’d been involved with featured on billboards, in magazines, online and the list goes on. However, if I’m truly honest as time wore on I became less fulfilled.
This was a strange sensation because the team I worked with were great, a bunch of talented individuals within their own right. So that wasn’t the issue. The relationship with clients that we worked with always amazed me, I literally couldn’t wait to get a call from them. However, there was a disconnect. The purpose and vision of the corporate brand didn’t always match what the customer received. For me, this was the gap. The end customer didn’t always get what the brand promised.
In addition, I’d always had a desire to run, operate and be in charge of my own destiny. I felt like I’d started to become almost accidentally institutionalised, not sure how I could move on and even if I did what would I do? Then the self-doubt starts, have I left it too late? Combine that with friends, colleagues and relatives saying, “There’s no way I’d set up a business now. You’ve got a super job, two young kids, mortgage and Brexit is on the horizon. You’ve got to be mad.” I was left thinking when is the right time?
I could have carried on within the corporate world but I made the choice to leave. I could have stayed in a well-paid job, doing what I was good at, but I didn’t. I took the leap of faith. Then through a mutual connection, I met Paul Stephenson. We shared stories and the synergies were off the scale. Through the power of conversation, he helped me navigate my world and I helped him bring his vision to reality.
Paul Stephenson has over two decades of business and people transformation. He has a profound depth of knowledge and insight, combined with my branding background we formed a credible business brand. A humanistic business that was built with you in mind.
What would I have done differently? Nothing. You’re ready when you’re ready. I took the leap and now the rear-view mirror is off and we are moving forward. I look forward to each day, I have more time with my family, I am living life on my terms.
What hints and tips can I give you? Have an open mind and an open heart. I invested in myself and it was the best decision I ever made.
Written by Ben Rayner
Contact the Zengility Co-Founders, Paul and Ben